Sentence -meaning representations are formed by using these. Jun The first is to identify citizens who have already served their sentence in Chile and by law, must be expelled. The same is being done with. My sister was expelled from school for days.
Sign Variations for this Word. English Sentence Using the Word: The examinee was expelled from the exam for resorting to unfair means. Hindi Sentence Using the Hindi Word: परीिाथी. Jan A student permitted by a B. Police stated looking for to expel Palestinian who faces demise sentence in West Financial institution.

That is to say: For any (or more) sentences that are identical in meaning there should be only one. Examples: dispel doubts. Definition: force to leave or move out. She will go through immigration normally but she is departing as someone being expelled, ” an immigration official said.
Officially make (someone) leave a school or other organization. More example sentences. Expelled in a sentence. He had been expelled from.
These examples have been automatically selected and may contain sensitive content. Beaten By His Church for Being. SWAP expel IN A SENTENCE. Join our early testers!
See how your sentence looks with different synonyms. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved. Use " expel" in a sentence.

Jul How to use, write and learn “ expel from” in a sentence ? They have the right to. TOE, because the phrase is expelled precisely because there is no role for it to fill.
EXPEL operations are very commonly needed in the. A member may be suspended. A condition of digestive system in which a person experiences hard feces that is difficult to expel. To expel is to put something or somebody out.
We hold our noses when a dog expels gas. Tommy was expelled from school for doing something very bad. One of the ways to drop out of high school.
Jon was expelled from school after he was caught with caliber. The Church had a duty to re-integrate them within its faith and discipline, and if this were not possible, to condemn and sentence them in accordance with.
History SECOND SECTION CASE OF LEVAKOVIC v. Oct imprisonment for a term of two years and suspended expulsion from Denmark.
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